Josh Johnsen | NorthBay biz
NorthBay biz

Josh Johnsen

Josh Johnsen is corporate vice president and partner at George Petersen Insurance Agency in Santa Rosa. He graduated from Sacramento State University with a degree in business and an emphasis on insurance. Following in his father’s footsteps, he went to work in the insurance industry. He’s been in the insurance business for 25 years and attributes his strong work ethic to his parents, something he looks to instill in his children. He currently lives in Santa Rosa with his wife of 14 years and two children, where he enjoys coaching his kids in sports and playing the occasional round of golf.

What was the best or worst job you ever had?

Being a lifeguard in college was by far the best.

What advice can you give about how to conquer fear?

Fear is a good thing and usually is a driver for people. Let your fear motivate you to do what you normally thought you could not.

If you were able to listen to only one music CD ever again, what would it be and why?

That’s tough. Probably Hysteria by Def Leppard. Run Dmc’s Raising Hell would be a close second. This was great music when I was young that reminds me of some outstanding times I had growing up.

If you were given a yacht today, what would you name it?

I would name it Doris, after my mom.

What three people, dead or alive, would you like to sit down to dinner with?

My father because he passed away 23 years ago, and I would enjoy having dinner with him. Bill Gates since he’s one of the few people still alive that changed the world and would be interesting to talk with about his vision on the computer and what he thinks will happen in the future. And George Washington because he’s the father of our country. It would be interesting to know what motivated him to become our nation’s first president.

If you could have the ability to compete in the Olympics, what event would you want to be in?

The 100-yard dash.

If you could trade places with anyone for one week, who would you want to trade with and why?

Stephen Curry. He seems to be a great person as well as a great athlete. Plus, my kids would think I am awesome.

How many foreign countries have you visited? Which one stands out in your memory?

I’ve visited about 20 countries. Munich, Germany stands out the most. I was on a high school graduation trip through my school and we spent the Fourth of July at the Hofbrauhaus. Let’s just say when you have a bunch of 18-year-old kids in the Hofbrauhaus in Munich, how can that not be a standout memory?

What has been your proudest moment as a parent thus far?

I am most proud of both of my children doing well in school.


Where is your favorite place to be? Why?

Anywhere I’m having fun with my family or friends.


If you could turn into any animal at will, which one would you select? Why?

An eagle, so I could fly and not be worried about any predators.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Making it in the insurance business. My father passed away suddenly when I was 24 and people said I wouldn’t make it.