Take Steps to Reduce Effects of Excessive Heat | NorthBay biz
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Take Steps to Reduce Effects of Excessive Heat

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued an Excessive Heat Warning for Labor Day weekend in areas of Northern California, including inland and high elevation areas of Marin County. Temperatures are forecast to reach or exceed the high 90s beginning Friday, Sept. 2 through Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Unusually hot temperatures can affect health. The people most vulnerable include older adults, those who work or exercise outdoors, infants and children, individuals experiencing homelessness, and individuals with a chronic medical condition.

The Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Marin County Office of Emergency Services (OES) are advising vulnerable residents to prepare for extreme heat this weekend by planning ahead, staying cool, hydrated, and informed. The go-to spot for localized information is the county’s portal, emergency.marincounty.org, which is updated often during any Marin emergency.

Plan Ahead
Prepare for power outages: high electricity use during hot weather can strain the state energy supply, resulting in unexpected power outages. People who rely on electrically operated medical equipment should ensure backup batteries are charged.
Have a buddy system: During a heat wave, check on medically vulnerable family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

Stay Cool
Plan outdoor activities before noon or in the evening.
Stay indoors as much as possible; limit sun exposure.
Take cool baths or showers.
Draw curtains over windows to limit direct sunlight indoors.
Place a damp towel around your shoulders to reduce body heat.
If needed, go to a cool place such as a mall or library for relief from heat.

Stay Hydrated
Drink more fluids than usual, even if you don’t feel thirsty (consult your doctor first if you’re on a fluid restricted diet).
Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine: they increase the heat’s effects on your body.

Stay Informed
Monitor local news for the latest information on the weather forecast
MarinHHS.org offers tips on handling hot weather
Sign up for emergency alerts.

Monitor emergency.marincounty.org which is updated often during local emergencies.
Consult PG&E’s guide for keeping homes cool and creating a more energy-efficient home.
Marin HHS reminds people to take the necessary precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses. Everyone should be on the lookout for heat-related illnesses, either in themselves or their families and friends.

Heat cramps occur as muscular pains and spasms due to heavy exertion. Although heat cramps are the least severe, they are often the first signal that the body is having trouble with the heat. Symptoms include painful cramps, especially in the legs, and flushed, moist skin. Treatment involves moving to a cool place to rest. Remove excess clothing and place cool cloths on skin and fan skin.

Signs of heat exhaustion include extreme weakness, thirst, muscle cramps, nausea or headache, and heavy sweating. Victims may also vomit or faint. Heat exhaustion is treated with plenty of liquids and rest in a cool, shaded area. If untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke.

Heat stroke is a serious illness characterized by a body temperature greater than 103 degrees. Symptoms may include dry red skin, convulsions, disorientation, delirium, and coma. Onset of heat stroke can be rapid; serious symptoms can occur within minutes. Treatment involves the rapid lowering of body temperature by taking a cool bath or applying wet towels to the body. Keep victims of heat stroke in a cool area and call 911 immediately.