Colby Smith

When Colby Smith moved to Napa nine years ago, she says, “I didn’t know anyone. I was directing my Web development company from my home office, so I thought being a concierge would be a great way to get out and meet a lot of people.”
After three and a half years at Villagio Inn & Spa (“the absolute perfect place for me”), Smith was ready for a new challenge. During a conversation with friend Monica Stevens of 750 Wines, “I thought about how we had to use a lot of initiative to learn the ropes and the region. Monica and I thought it would be fun to create a little organization to take concierges and tour guides to [local wineries, galleries and other tourist attractions] for ‘research days,’ and have panels for education.
The idea quickly grew into Concierge Alliance Napa Valley, which, in 2010, expanded over the Mayacamas to become CANVAS (Concierge Alliance Napa Valley and Sonoma). Today, the organizations boasts 1,100 members (including conceriges, tour guides, wineries, restaurants, hotels and other businesses). “It was—and still is—so much fun,” says Smith. “I love sharing what I’m excited about, and moving here I was—and still am—madly in love with Wine Country. So to share that enthusiasm with visitors is a real pleasure. It was, and continues to be, a grand adventure!”

Where did you grow up?

Southern California. I went from a beach view in Malibu to a vineyard view in Napa. I prefer the view—and heat—up here.


Where do you live now?

I’m so lucky! When I moved to Napa nine years ago, my mantra was, “I have to live in the middle of a vineyard.” I was so fortunate to find my little cottage in the middle of four vineyards. I’m in heaven. I take 1 a.m. iPad videos in the vineyard during harvest. I finally went totally rural and got chickens: eggs anyone?


What did you do professionally before that?

I’ve had a really fun life. I had a PR company in New York for years with very high-end clients, “forcing” me to fly back and forth from Europe. Before that, in Los Angeles, I was involved in the movie industry for many years. I worked as a production assistant, TV commercial producer and feature film production manager. When I got burned out, I became a stuntwoman for a couple of years—high falls, car crashes, tight leotard futuristic swordfights on “Buck Rogers,” helicopter rescues amid burning debris, motorcycle leaps—great fun! After I moved here, I was visiting Mendocino and realized that was where my first stunt job was. It’s memorialized in a book called Movies of Mendocino. The movie was “Dead and Buried,” and I was a zombie that was partially scalped then did a fall off the hood of a moving car.


Are you married?

Nope, I’m single. I jokingly say I want to find a nice Midwestern man who’d like to move here to a turn-key lifestyle with me. It would be fun to share all the fabulous opportunities I have with someone. Fortunately, I have lovely friends to share with.


What do you love to do outside of work?

I’m a workaholic. Pretty much all of my entrepreneurial careers have been lifestyle driven. In that vein, I’ve gone rural here in Napa. I built four large planter boxes to create a culinary garden. I love spending time at Forni Brown selecting vegetables, getting the plants in the ground, the smell and feel of the dirt, watching them grow and, of course, the joy of eating what I nurtured along! I got chickens last year. Watching their antics as they wander around the yard is a wonderful stress reliever. I also love to travel—Italy, Vietnam, Cambodia and, over time, many other exotic places.


What was your last argument about?

I don’t really argue, I listen and work for a mutually satisfying solution.


Chocolate or vanilla?

Ha! Nothing about my life is vanilla. I always jump in hook, line and sinker—and I do happen to be a chocoholic.


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