2nd Annual Cannabis Harvest Panel at Glentucky Family Farms

The group discussed a range of topics from current politics on growing to 2022 crop quality.

At a potent gathering of growers and media at Glentucky Family Farm on Thursday, November 3, dispensary founder Eli Melrod of Solful dispensaries, grower and owner of Glentucky Family Farm Mike Benziger, grower Ben Blake of Esensia Gardens, Sandra and Josh Khankhanian of Moon Gazer Farms, Craig Johnson of Alpenglow Farms, and Senior Content Manager/Editor/Reporter of Leafly.com David Downs led a panel discussion for members of the media on what to look for and expect from the 2022 California craft cannabis harvest and where craft cannabis is heading.

Topics ranged from growing consumer enthusiasm about sun-grown craft cannabis, diminished smoke effects from wildfires, the drought, genetics, the current political climate for growers, and overall 2022 crop quality, which everyone agreed was one of the best. There was a broad-based discussion on hugelkulter, which means mound or hill culture. It is a regenerative farming technique where a trench is dug and then packed with wood including birch, pine, bay or what is readily available. The wood in the trench is then “mounded” or “hilled” over with compost and soil. A crop is then planted on top of the mound. The result is long term (5 years or more) natural fertility and extra nutrients as the wood breaks down. This has been called the “soil internet system” and it works spectacularly. All growers on the panel use this system.

David Downs, Senior Content Manager at Leafly noted, “People need to know that cannabis is inflation proof and this year it is stronger and more flavorful, and more diverse than ever. Consumers have a historic chance to vote with their dollars for the weed they want to see in the world.”

“At Solful, we see that our customers are excited about our selection of 100% small farm sun-grown craft cannabis. Similar to the trend we’ve seen in the wine and beer industry, the mass produced offerings are being traded for craft products,” noted Eli Melrod. “The commoditization of cannabis draws a stark contrast to the hand grown specialty products we carry, which are higher in quality, environmentally friendly and grown by hands-on family farmers in Northern California.”

“If you are searching for the cleanest and best cannabis for yourself and for the planet, you need to check out Solful,” said Josh and Sandra Khankhanian of Moon Gazer Farms. “They have longstanding relationships with the farms they source from, it’s not a vertical model like most dispensaries. In the debate on what is craft cannabis, I would trust Solful to make that call.”

Mike Benziger noted, “In my more than twenty years of bio-dynamic farming various crops including cannabis at his Glentucky Family farm, 2022 in my opinion was one of the top two perfect harvests – quality, climate and results.” It should be noted every grower on the panel agreed.

Ben Blake of Esensia succinctly noted “In addition to trying to grow the best cannabis we can, we are looking for “the unicorn” of phenotypes.”

Craig Johnson of Alpenglow Farms noted, “It is an honor to gather with Solful and other Emerald Triangle sun-grown cannabis farmers to discuss the current state of the industry, recent wins and continued opportunities to bring more awareness to the value of our work and crop. Partners like Solful are critical to this progress. Solful has been committed to small craft cannabis farmers since the beginning and they are the only dispensary we trust to carry our flower in the entire state of California.”

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