Proposed law would stymie egregious speeders

State Sen. Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) bill would require vehicles sold in California be fashioned with technology that governs how fast they can travel on certain roads.

State Sen. Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) bill would require vehicles sold in California be fashioned with technology that governs how fast they can travel on certain roads.

They might need to change the lyrics of that ‘80s song to: “I can’t drive SEVENTY-FIVE.”

That is, if a proposed new law limiting vehicles maximum speed limits gains traction in the state legislature.

State Sen. Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) bill would require vehicles sold in California be fashioned with technology that governs how fast they can travel on certain roads. Senate Bill 961 would mandate that passenger vehicles built or sold in the state be equipped with such speed controls by 2027. The technology would use GPS data to recognize a road’s specific speed limit and slow the vehicle if it gets to 10 mph over that limit.

Wiener believes such a law limiting drivers’ ability to drive egregiously over legal speed limits would reduce traffic collisions, injuries and deaths, he told the Los Angeles Times, which originally reported on the proposed SB 961.

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