Sonoma County
Kicking the tires
- Average price of a used car in the Bay Area in 2019.
- Average price of a used car in the Bay Area in 2024
- Source: Bay Area News Group
Go Broncos!
10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Hours former DEMA CEO Michelle Patino allegedly billed the County of Sonoma for work on behalf of her homeless-services business on Nov. 20, 2022, the same date she attended a Denver Broncos game at Mile High Stadium
$11 million
- Amount allegedly unaccounted for in DEMA’s billing to the County of Sonoma, over the course of its DEMA contracts. Patino denies any billing improprieties.
- Source: Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Napa County
Labor violations
- Fine the U.S. Department of Labor slapped C Case restaurant for violating child-labor laws
- Age of children working at the Oxbow Public Market-located eatery outside of permitted hours during school days, at times operating hazardous equipment
- Source: Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Marin County
The cost of commuting
- Decades of work on the Highway 101-widening project between Novato and Petaluma. Construction on the 16-mile Novato Narrows portion is expected to wrap this summer.
$767 million
- Amount spent on the Novato Narrows work alone
The cost of living
- New minimum hourly wage for “very large” businesses in Novato, raising the minimum by 40 cents. New minimums at large and small businesses are $17 and $16.42 per hour, respectively
- Hourly “living wage” an adult with no kids needs to earn to make ends meet in Marin County, according to MIT
- Source: Marin Independent Journal