No More Non-Members: Costco introduces a new membership scanner


Costco’s all across the Bay Area have introduced new membership card scanners to prevent non-members from shopping.

Picture this: You’re craving those $1.50 Costco hot dogs, but are not a card-carrying member of the big-box retail chain. Suddenly you remember your good friend Mike has a membership. You call Mike up, secure his Costco card and you head on your way, anticipating those first delectable bites of a Costco dog. You arrive, sprint to the food court—but before you even make it inside you are confronted with a new membership card scanner. Wait, wha-?

Earlier this week several local Costcos began requiring members to present either a physical or digital membership card upon entrance. After being scanned, an identification photo will appear and must match the cardholder. Stores in Santa Rosa, Novato and San Francisco have already implemented the new initiative. In announcing the crackdown on membership scofflaws, Costco officials explained that the annual dues-paying memberships are how are how the retailer is able to maintain low prices—like that $1.50 hot dog.

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