Open Trench

More of the Same

“The more things change, the more they stay the same” is a common translation of an epigram by Jean-Baptiste Alphonse…

A Tale of Two Counties

To quote Charles Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age…

Connecting the Dots Part 2

Last month, we explored the curious money/water/maintenance shortage that affected the Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks Department toward the end…

Out of Balance

Yin and yang is an interesting philosophy that posits the coexistence of opposites, with yin representing passive-dark-cold-wet and yang representing…

Rumor and Innuendo

Do you remember Garry Trudeau’s “Doonesbury” comic strip in the 1970s, during the Watergate hearings? One strip showed hearing Chairman…

Power to the People

I recommend a book titled The Vision of the Anointed by Dr. Thomas Sowell. In it, Sowell writes, “The focus…

Not Up to Code

Thirty-six years ago, my wife and I decided to build a new home—specifically, a home with all sorts of super-energy-efficient…

Off the Cliff

In my last three columns, I’ve explored the public employee pension crisis and the lack of effective action to deal…
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