Michael E. Duffy
Michael E. Duffy
Michael E. Duffy is a senior software engineer for the Atlanta-based mobile gaming company Global Worldwide. He lives in Sonoma County and has been writing about technology and business for NorthBay biz since 2001.

Drip, Drip, Drip

If you listen to any of the five Amaturo Sonoma Media Group (ASMG) radio stations in Sonoma County (KSRO, 97.7…

Reality Check

I’ve been writing this column for 20 years, and from time to time—now being one of those times—it seems as…

Software Salmagundi

I keep a list of tech-related topics that might be interesting to write about, but not every topic has enough substance…

A Brave New World

Aldous Huxley’s novel, “Brave New World” (written in 1931!), envisioned a future with genetically-modified human beings. In 2018, a rogue…

Likes After Death

A relative of mine—let’s call her Kate—recently died, and I watched from a distance as others dealt with her affairs.…

An Untethered Life

I’ve known Julia Brigden since our kids were elementary school classmates more than a decade ago. But until recently, I…

Remote Control

I’ve recently joined the roughly 3 percent of the American workforce who work remotely more than half the week. In…
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