August 20, 2020


Bricoleur Vineyards

The team at Bricoleur Vineyards created the winery’s moniker from the French word bricoleur, which translates to: “One who starts…

Victory Garden Revival

Until recently, shelter-in-place orders throughout the North Bay forced most businesses to close, leaving storefronts empty and the streets nearly…

Purple Passion

When King Tutankhamen’s ancient tomb was opened in Egypt in 1922, explorers said it contained traces of lavender, the aroma…

Nature’s Miracle

Eggs are one of nature’s miracles. Low calorie but filled with nutrients, they’re simple yet versatile with an impressive range…

Black Market Pot

Calaveras County Sheriff’s marijuana enforcement team checked their equipment, tightening up vests, and inspected their guns as they geared up…

Bollywood Bar & Clay Oven

There is something completely intoxicating about Indian food with its mélange of spices and flavors. Over the years, it’s become…

Reality Check

I’ve been writing this column for 20 years, and from time to time—now being one of those times—it seems as…

Doug Beretta

As the leader of a fourth-generation dairy, Doug Beretta had a considerable—and hard-earned—foundation to work with, but that doesn’t mean…
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